Friday, December 22, 2006

Friday, December 15, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

They have faithfully guarded, day and night.
Watching for ships or a seagull in flight.
Quiet and pensive are these three.
Weathered by storms, sand and sea.
But, now they are gone! We don't know where.
Perhaps they've retired to be without a care.
Maybe they are on an extended leave.
And will return some day to watch the dolphins at play.
Or be here for the egg toss on Easter Day.
Saturday, November 25, 2006

Manatee Show on KCB A family swam up to the dock at Sunset Beach Condos next door, and once Doris called everyone over here, we all went over to see the show. So cute! Such entertainers! They played in the hose spray, floated on their backs, and the baby tried to eat from the chum bag. So very, very cute! There were three in the family, baby swam close to mom, and the third member may have been a teenager. He/she seemed smaller that the mom. They seemed to be so happy to be around, they stayed over there for most of the day. Just one more family having a great time at Key Colony Beach.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006

Those Buckeyes sure know how to throw a tailgate party! The deck was the place to be if you wanted to do a little partying before the big game today. Shrimp, dogs, dips, adult beverages and buckeye cookies, who would want anything more? We had a few cheers, and an Ohio State song or two. We had a baby Buckeye, mama and papa Buckeye and lots of grandma and grandpa Buckeyes, and there were a few Wolverines in attendance, just to round it out. The bets have been made, everyone is back in their condo watching the game, can OSU hold on to that lead? We'll see. May the best team win, and hopefully they will be wearing maize and blue.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

What's Up? Are they digging for gold? Has anyone else here been startled by the sound of what seems like an exploding toilet in their condo? They've been digging all day, and have succeeded in totally closing down the main drive into The Cay. At first I thought it was a one day project,but now I don't think so. At 7 PM, Ron Sutton ( our city commissioner who lives in the big house on Coury Drive with all the Christmas decorations) was still out there with the front end loader moving dirt around. What a guy! Let's vote him in again! The water is on again here now, but who knows? If it's out again in the morning, let's all meet at the pool with a bar of soap!
Sunday, November 05, 2006

They're Back! A beautiful November day at The Cay and the best news of all is that people are arriving daily. They come to see diamonds on the water. They come to feel the warm sand and hear the ocean breeze. They come to fish, to swim, to golf, and bike. Most of all they come to see friends that they have missed over the summer. I see them quickly walk down the sidewalk to get to the beach. They stop and take it all in before even stepping onto the sand. What is running through their mind? Memories of a party on the deck, a time when their family was here and spent the day on the beach, or friends that have yet to arrive, and will make it down soon for another great season of laughter and fun. Those of us that spend most of our time here are reminded of what a special place this is to so many people who come down for a week, a month, a season, and realize that they really have found paradise. So...if you're not here yet, get your butts in gear, and let's fill up those beach chairs! The water won't stay warm forever, but we will be here to greet you, whenever you arrive.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sunday, September 17, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006

I've been so wrapped up with my newest job that I've been too busy to blog! This week I have been doing "Dibels" testing over at Stanley Switlik Elementary. I've met some very nice teachers and the nicest students. On the right are Daniella and Paco, aren't they cute first graders? And they are also pretty good readers. Yes, they even come smaller, I started out testing the kindergarteners, and will test again next week. Every student K-6 takes this reading assessment test 3 times a year. It's been fun testing over there, but not having all of the responsibilities of being a classroom teacher.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Got a minute? Check out my new hobby on my Papier Mache Gallery of Fish at http://www.papiermache.co.uk/exec/cms-gallery/p-artist/id-231/. Yes, I've made a mess of the kitchen counter every night, but I've found a great way to use up about 5% of Bill's ever expanding glass collection. It's been fun, it keeps me busy, and who knows what project I'll be into next week?
Thursday, August 31, 2006

Look what Ernesto brought us!
It looks like we can just about walk out to the fishing pier at Sunset Beach Club. The Seagulls have been walking around on it. It's a nice green shag carpeting of baygrass, and it just keeps rolling in. They got a bobcat to pile it up today, but quit for now. I think they will be here tomorrow to start again. That stuff is really going to stink when it starts to rot.
It kind of smells like you are living in an aquarium that has algae growing up the sides. Am I complaining? I hope not, things could have been a lot worse.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I took my camera along on my bike ride this morning to catch a few signs of the preparations. We had sun off to the north, but pretty much total cloud cover now and no rain yet. The police boat is parked in the handicap space at the post office. There were plenty of people around coming and going. At Sea Isle they are busy boarding up condos that do not yet have windows. Here at The Cay, we still have some people around:
The Lombardo's - gone for the weekend, will be back in a day or so, Cole Tracy, Warren Burger, the English family next to him, Lou McMann, Catos - I think they are having work done, the Reinhardts, Boudreaus, The Cherrys, and Tim and his bride-to-be. We don't have our shutters up yet, so that we can let in a little light, and not feel like we are living in a sardine can. But when the wind picks up, we will close them over. It's 10:30 AM, there's very little wind so far. We are on weather channel overload, so we will forget about it for a while, and get on with running a few errands. I'll keep you posted.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The new fishing pier at Sunset Beach Club Condos, to the east of our beach is finished and it is a beauty! I think it is bigger, and sits up higher off the water with a ramp going up to it. No doubt the fishermen and women who stay there will love it! They've had lots of weekend renters all summer, and during construction, now and then, they were fishing off the wall, much to our dislike. Now they will have their own great place to fish, and won't be in our swimming area.
On the other hand, the fishing pier to our west, at Oceanfront Condos is a disaster waiting to happen. They haven't done anything to begin to repair it, and the entire front end of it is in the water, and the rest seems to be not far behind. One good storm, and it's a goner. For a while a few people ignored the signs and fished off of it anyway. But now, they get the message; it's definitely not safe.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Commercial flights into our little airport in Marathon are in a holding pattern.
Just when we thought it would be so neat to only have to drive across the street to pick up visiting friends and relatives, TSA has decided to deny federal security screeners for the terminal. As of 2 weeks ago, both Delta and Northwest were booking flights into Marathon. A round trip flight from Detroit to Marathon, through Atlanta was $812. during Thanksgiving...to steep for our relatives, but the option would have been nice. This week they are cancelling the flights and isuing refunds or transfer tickets to Key West. What a shame, especially since the federal governement had allocated $750,000. in grants to get things running, and local businesses had also put up funds to help out. The county is considering hiring private screeners, but this still would need TSA approval, and after what happened in London last week, it may be a while before they will reconsider. We hope that they will figure something out, and flights can start sometime this winter.
Monday, August 07, 2006

YESTERDAY was the first day of lobster season. For a week now we have been seeing boats going out and setting their traps, but Sunday was the first day they could check them. This boat has 6 or 7 traps set right off our beach. Sure enough, we heard the sound of his rock and roll music Sunday morning as he came by to check his traps. We kind of forgot about it for the last few months, but as soon as we heard it, we knew just who it was and I went out on the porch to take a picture. It's a nice sound, he has a good stereo system, and it's kind of like when we would hear the Good Humor Man coming, ran for our money, and bought a toasted almond or an orange dreamsicle. It's comforting to hear a sound and know exactly what it is without having to look up. I wish that we could buy lobsters right from the boat, but that would be too easy. We swam out to our spot on the rocks yesterday, just in case we would see a lobster, but they aren't there yet, or if they are, we couldn't see them. The water is still not too clear. KCB has a sign that there is to be no diving for lobsters until August 16th, guess we will have to be a little more patient.
Saturday, August 05, 2006

Big Banana Harvest on 7th
Click here for sound (thanks to my computer -geek friend, Doris.)
Yesterday I got an email from Janie in my book club. She had seen my post about Bananas on 7th, and invited me to go over to her house and help myself to what she called "serious" bananas, since they are not there in the summer. So this morning, after the 8 AM rain shower...we are really into the rainy season now... Bill walked over and I rode my bike over and brought a knife. When we walked into her yard, we were so impressed by her beautiful tropical garden paradise, and the size of the bananas! Those are what I would call monster bananas. The story from Janie is that the bananas were in her neighbors yard and a year and a half ago when she and her husband put in an irrigation system, the bananas just marched over to her yard for the water. I can't believe they have grown so big. We cut down 7 bananas and I could barely carry them home on my bike. They make our bananas at the Cay look sick, they are about 4 times the size. If you would like to see my online album of the banana harvest click here. The flowers are absolutely beautiful. The thing about bananas is that you have to pick them when they are green or they will split open on the stalk. Then you need to let them get ripe for a week or two and then they all are ripe at once. So we have learned to only pick a few at a time. Next weekend we are going up to see my Mom in Zephyrhills, she will be thrilled if we bring her a few of those monster bananas. One banana will be enough for all three of us for breakfast.
Friday, August 04, 2006

It's The Rainy Season, And I Got Soaked!
I love my new job at The Kirk, and I love getting up on Tuesdays and Thursdays and hopping on my bike and riding to work. But today, I stayed just a little bit too late and got caught in a downpour. Wondering what to do once it really started raining buckets, I saw a little guy on a moped pull off into the shelter of the bus stand on 109th Street. I followed him in, he offered me one of the worn plywood seats, but I preferred to stand. I'm sure he was looking at me and wondering if I was a wierdo, I mean, look at me? Big straw hat, fishing shirt, and sunglasses - in the rain? I looked at him, old clothes and a baseball cap with large black-rimmed glasses. He had a big old toolbox strapped to the back of his moped, and a thermos around his neck. As I got a little closer, I detected that beer aroma that you often smell around "The Bull" in Key West, mid-day. I don't think it was Cuban coffee in his thermos, or maybe he had a 6 pack in his tool box. Raymundo got out a cigarette and lit up. I began talking to him in Spanish, and as it often happens to me, he starts trying to talk to me in English, very broken English. I used to think that this was because my Spanish was so bad, but now I think it's not that. If you speak Spanish, the Cubans want to show you that they too can attempt another language. I got out my cell phone to call Bill and tell him I would be late. Late? For what? I might as well enjoy this conversation. We could have talked about Castro's health, or Marathon's plan for affordable garden apartments to be constructed in the nearby empty field, but I was interested in his moped.
Me - "Cuantas milas por hora?"
He - " 30 or 32"
Me - "Cuanta cuesta?"
He - "One thousand dollar"
I was still impatient to leave. He got out his pocket watch which I am sure came from "Sally Ann's", as we fondly call the Salvation Army. "Just give it 10 minutes and the rain will stop," he advised. I was interested in his moped because I have always wished that I had one, and thought about how nice it would be to zip around on one. I asked if you could ride one on the bike path. He said no, they would give you a ticket for that. Well that lets me out, I would never drive one on the street, too dangerous with all these impatient drivers around here. I began to get restless again, anxious to get going. I looked up and noticed the sky was clearing in the East. " Viene el cielo azul," I said. "The sky is cleaning up a little" he said. We decided that I could leave first because I would be on the bike path. He would have to wait because the street was very wet and the cars would splash him. "Vaya con cuidado", I said as I departed, "Much gusto", he said, shaking my hand. I left thinking how lucky I was to be on my bike, and not a moped. I didn't have to worry about whether it would start, or if I was going too slow for traffic. I enjoyed meeting Raymundo, practicing my Spanish and learning a little bit about the art of being patient. I think Raymundo benefitted from practicing his English, and he probably is still wondering what a "gringa" like me is doing riding a bike in the rain wearing a sun hat and sunglasses. I'm glad he doesn't know that I have 2 cars sitting right outside my front door and I could have driven to work, then he would think I was really crazy.
Monday, July 24, 2006

It occurs to me that some of you may want your own excitement of coming back down to the Keys and discovering what has changed during your absence. If so, this blog may be an annoying to you, and read no further.
We have a new store right here on our little island. It's located between the real estate office and the skin care center. Fish Lips Island Cargo is probably geared toward the teenage souvenir hunters who have much more money to spend than us seniors. It's cute, some nice artwork, and lots of visors, flip-flops, and some groovy Key Colony Beach tee shirts for $22. Doris? Zabelle? Are you interested? I know you will want to make at least one trip there when you return, and then send your grandkids there for an afternoon of begging for cute things. As always, I'm here to send you the most important news from your island paradise.
Saturday, July 22, 2006

It's Lobster Mini Season and the Livin' is Crazy!
The mini season is next Wednesday and Thursday, but life fires up this weekend when everyone shows up with their boat and finds the spots where all the lobsters are so that they can jump in their boats at 6 AM Wednesday morning and head for the right places. We went into Marathon this morning, and sure enough, it's nuts! Everyone who couldn't find a place to put their boat has it parked in the KMart parking lot, and it looks like some of them are being lived in. KMart has aisles of diving gear and tickle sticks. And Publix and Winn Dixie? Packed with families of 6 or more. The outfit of the day is wife beater shirts for the men, and glitter and sequin mini skirts and bikini tops with more glitter and sequin high heels for the women, and I use the term loosely. All of the check out lines are open and full. It's great for business in Marathon. How does Key Colony handle it? The boat trailer parking spaces behind the tennis court have been filled since Thursday, and see the sign below, this is how they keep it absolutely quiet here. We got our groceries and will just hunker down here to observe. The lobsters Bill is holding in the above photo were caught during the regular season at the rocks by our condo. Mini season is far too crazy for us, but we will have our bedroom window open Wednesday morning so we can hear them all head out to get their catch at 6 AM. It's exciting and there are always great news stories afterwards.
Monday, July 17, 2006

It's not one of the prettiest sights on Key Colony, but one we see daily. They've been at it since May, day after day, week after week. It will be nice when the underground cables are all in and the overhead wires come down. They seem to be making quicker progress now, they are well over the bridge and heading toward our end of the island. Someone who thinks they know everything (and shall remain nameless) says the digging was especially hard up by US 1, and is a lot easier now since much of Sadowski's island is fill - I guess that makes sense. By the looks of the huge pile of pipe next to the golf course, I would say that there is probably enough to do the whole island, and I think that is the plan, but it may take a while. In the meantime, it's one lane only on the causeway, and I've got to stop taking pictures while I'm driving, "Secret Squirrel" would not be pleased.
Sunday, June 25, 2006

SAWFISH ENCOUNTER IN 7TH STREET CANAL! Yes, this fish was caught and released right across the street in the 7th Street Canal by Chris. Now I know you want to know how I got the picture. Chris and his family were eating dinner along side us at The Key Colony Inn tonight and flashing around the picture on Chris' cellphone. I asked him to email me the picture, and there, you have it! They had called around to several restaurants to find out if the fish was edible! All the restaurants said they had never heard of it, and didn't know until they called Fishtales, who told them it is an endangered species, if they brought it in they could be arrested. At least someone around here knows something about fishing laws.
Now, for a short science lesson about sawfish. They are actually a species of ray. Their saw or snout allows them to feel movements of distant animals and sense heartbeats of buried prey. They eat small fish like mullet, crabs, or shrimp. They can live in both fresh and salt water. They can use their saw as a defense mechanism, so I guess young Chris is lucky to have all of his appendages left for dining this evening.
By the way, they have a early bird special at Key Colony Inn, $11.95, your choice of several entrees, a glass of wine, salad, veg, bread,dessert, and coffee, we had the Dolphin Del Mar. Very good!
Saturday, June 24, 2006

Congratulations to Carl and Dana Selin for identifying the emblem on Seapoint Condo. I guess it was a little difficult since most of us walk and ride around the west end of the island daily.
Now for sure you will recognize this condo. I took this photo last week, as you can see, progress seems very slow, but they are still working. I took the photo from across the street and a lady came up, I would assume the manager; I don't think she was too happy about me taking a picture. I cheerfully said, "Looks like they are making progress!" She mumbled something about how slow it is going due to workers who do the wrong thing first and have to do things over again, and windows that don't get delivered. Will those people ever get to move back into their condos? It sure is a mess over there. Happiness is living in a condo with minimal spalling damage that is being repaired, and windows instead of plywood.
Friday, June 23, 2006

Thursday, June 22, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006

The first person to correctly identify the location of this picture wins a cup of Cuban coffee and a donut (did you hear that, Carl, donut) on our deck...that's The Cay deck, yes, that means you must come down here sooner or later to claim your prize. This is something that you would see on your morning walk or ride around Key Colony Beach. Send in your answer by posting a comment or by email.
Thursday, June 15, 2006

Cat Nap Interrupted!
I saw this cat on 12th Street during my morning bike ride, and said to myself, "Too bad I don't have my camera, that cat will never be here when I get back." Wrong, wrong, wrong; when I returned there he was, still asleep. What a life, nice soft top convertible on an expensive car, and a sunny morning. This cat knows how to pick a place for a snooze. I'll bet he'll get back to his nap as soon as I am gone.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Have you seen the new dock at Sunset Park? It went up quickly and is a beautiful spot to stand and look out on the ocean. It is called an observation dock, however, there is a small sign that says that fishing is allowed for now, as long as fishermen keep it clean and clear for others to use. Maybe we will have to get a bucket of shrimp and try it out one of these evenings. So far, we have seen only a couple of fishermen there, but it could get popular if a) any fish are caught, or b) weekenders from the mainland find out about it.
Thursday, June 08, 2006

You will NOT see this sign on Key Colony Beach. Around here, people have been known to aim for iguanas with their cars. I have heard that some traps have been set on the island, but not at The Cay. I am not sure where they take the trapped iguanas, and really, I don't care, as long as it is far, far away. I have seen fewer iguanas here at The Cay. The only thing worse than a manatee swimming up to you in the ocean would be the sight of four green legs and a tail swimming past you in the pool. Now THAT would make me swim quickly to the edge and jump out.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Anybody want to swim in our hot tub? I took this photo at 5:30 this afternoon, and that's my lovely assistant, Warren, holding the evidence. The temp was perfect for Warren's pool walk, but too hot for my swim - I swam the ocean -well, not the whole thing, but you know what I mean. For all you ocean swimmers who keep track of temperatures: The ocean was 86 at 8AM, and 90 at 5 PM. The water has really cleared up, beautiful for swimming or noodling!
Sunday, June 04, 2006

We have some beautiful flowers around Key Colony Beach right now. This is plumeria, also called frangipani. These flowers are the ones that are used to make Hawaiian leis. They have a very fragrant scent and come in white, pink, and red also. The park across the street has this beautiful yellow tree with a bird of paradise right below it. The royal poinciana is also blooming now, but I don't see many around Key Colony. We see these huge bright orange flowered trees on our way through Islamorada and Key Largo.
Friday, June 02, 2006

'Tis the season to prepare, prepare, prepare, and then hope for the best. This is our recycled seawall which we hope will keep our deck in one piece this year. It's made of square concrete blocks that were leftovers from a dock being put in on Coury Drive, pieces of concrete from the spalling work, and the large rocks that were at water's edge. The concrete that they are piping in should cement it all together.
Thursday, May 25, 2006

Yesterday we went out fishing with Joe and Lynn Lombardo on their new boat. We went straight out a couple of miles to 400-500 feet of water. On the way back the dolphin came up and we caught 'em! It was lots of fun. About that time the dark clouds came up too, and we had to head back in a hurry. While we were out, we saw an unusual rainbow that made a circle all the way around the sun. When I got home, I found out that it was a halo, caused by very high altitude ice crystals, and the colors are actually the reverse of a rainbow with red on the inner edge. We spotted ours at noon, a time when you often would not be looking up at the sun. It was beautiful out there, and nice and cool out on the water. When we got back we cooled off with a noodle in the ocean, and the Lombardos came over for a fish dinner. Lynn brought stuff, we made stuff, the only mistake was that we both brought dessert, but we suffered through it.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006

SPALLING work has started, and lucky us, they started with building 4. So far it is a one man operation, but he is one mean jack-hammerin' dude. Every day "Chipperino" -not his real name, but that's what I call him, climbs the ladder and starts hammering away over our heads at about 8:30, right about when I am in the shower after my bike and swim, you all know how I love my routines. The sound is enough to rattle your fillings, it would make Bill Michener and Bill Kontras take out their hearing aides, and still be deafened. It encourages me to get dressed and out of here as fast as I can for a morning somewhere else. Chipperino says this is the worse part, the next part is easier when they put up the rerod and cement. This picture is over Tom Storey's porch. They had 2 inches of rain in Marathon on Monday night, but here, we didn't get a drop- good thing because from the sound of it, we must have lots of holes in our roof! Don't worry I see they have duct taped some tarps up. I'll keep you posted on the progress. In the meantime, what's that? I can't hear a word you are saying, he's still up there hammering away. "Chip, chip, chippen' away, chippen' at my mansion of love."
Saturday, May 20, 2006

MANATEE ATTACK ON OUR BEACH! The water has warmed up to what Bill Cherry calls a zero goosebump state. A week or so ago we both headed out for a late afternoon noodle. My peaceful state of total mindless floating was suddenly interupted when I heard Bill yell, "Holy shi--cow!" (or something like that). A manatee had come up right next to him and was about to get friendly until Bill's yelling scared he/she away. I did not exactly see the manatee up close and personal, but I did see the large hulking shadow of something swim away. I can verify that it took about 30 minutes for Bill's heart rate to return to a normal level. I was right close by, what attracted that manatee to Bill, and not me is a mystery. Could it have been his new bright green and purple bathing suit from Bealles, or that dark brown leathery suntanned skin, or his full-figure shape? Whatever it was, we have not seen the manatee since, maybe he/she has found a more friendly playmate on some other KCB beach.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Jack's beach treasure has inspired us to wonder about it's origin. Some think it may be a square grouper. Others think it could be the homemade seat of " un barco Cubano" that capsized before reaching shore. Others have speculated that it could be the top of a bar stool that floated down from Cabana Breezes, possibly tossed off the dock after a disagreement over who would sit in the seat next to an especially beautiful woman. Well what do you think? Where did this treasure come from?

Mickey and Minnie have a baby! Mickey and Minnie are the two burrowing owls that have been guarding their nest at the corner of 7th Street in front of the post office. This morning I caught a glimpse of the cutest little ball of grey fuzz stretching her legs out and coming out of the drain pipe. I couldn't get her to pose for a photo, she's very shy, and Mom remains quite the guard. As we know these owls don't hoot, they hiss if you get too close to the nest. The Dad is bigger than the Mom, and they are diurnal, how nice for us, we can catch a glimpse of them as we ride or walk by during the day. There are actually several nests on many of the streets right now.
Thursday, May 11, 2006

Marie's Shrimp Bisque
4 Knorr shrimp or fish boullion cubes
2 C water
5 T butter
6 heaping T. flour
Dissolve the boullion cubes in the 2 C. hot water.
Melt the butter and stir in the flour. This is called a roux, now you know French!
Add the dissolved boullion mixture
Add 1 1/4 cups water
10 oz. tomato puree
Blend this and cook it enough so that it thickens a bit, about 3 minutes, don't boil it! Stir constantly
Now add 1 C. 1/2 and 1/2
1/3 C. dry sherry
1/3 C cognac
1/4 t. white pepper
3/4 t. salt
Blend and heat this through, but DON'T boil
Finally add 1/2 pint whipping cream - Hey, no one said it was lo cal.
1 pound cleaned raw shrimp
Simmer about 1 minute or until shrimp is cooked - it takes very little time.
You may add a splash of cognac and sherry right before serving.
"bon apetit!"

Parties on the deck are always fun, but this one turned out to be an added treat as it got progressively larger and larger. We started out with 5 couples getting together to meet our Michigan friends, The Rileys. It's the time of the year when if anyone walks by, we invite them to come on up for burgers and dogs! First we nabbed Lucille and Frank DeLuca who were leaving for home the next day. Lucille was glad to join us since they had no food left in the fridge, and Frank said he would stay as long as there was plenty of wine! No problema!
Then along came Warren, and he was eager for a good meal! In fact he said he will be checking the deck periodically for other events. We partied into the wee hours - 8:30 PM- with some lively rounds of The Alligator Game and LRC. I think they could hear Doris and Dana screaming all the way to Key Colony Inn when their fingers got chomped by the alligator. So next time you hear a lively group on the deck, stop by... you might just be lucky enough to get in on the fun.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Yes, I hear your requests. You begged, you pleaded, please let us know what is going on at The Cay this summer! Well, at least one of you called and pleaded... so I will keep you posted on the daily happenings around here. I'm going to start early in the season while the winds are mild, the ocean calm, the tarpon are rolling, and there are no tropical storms any where near.