SPALLING work has started, and lucky us, they started with building 4. So far it is a one man operation, but he is one mean jack-hammerin' dude. Every day "Chipperino" -not his real name, but that's what I call him, climbs the ladder and starts hammering away over our heads at about 8:30, right about when I am in the shower after my bike and swim, you all know how I love my routines. The sound is enough to rattle your fillings, it would make Bill Michener and Bill Kontras take out their hearing aides, and still be deafened. It encourages me to get dressed and out of here as fast as I can for a morning somewhere else. Chipperino says this is the worse part, the next part is easier when they put up the rerod and cement. This picture is over Tom Storey's porch. They had 2 inches of rain in Marathon on Monday night, but here, we didn't get a drop- good thing because from the sound of it, we must have lots of holes in our roof! Don't worry I see they have duct taped some tarps up. I'll keep you posted on the progress. In the meantime, what's that? I can't hear a word you are saying, he's still up there hammering away. "Chip, chip, chippen' away, chippen' at my mansion of love."
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