Friday, July 17, 2009

We finished up our morning exercise routines with a kayak trip yesterday. Early morning and late evening is the best for kayaking this time of year. As we went past Seapoint, here in the photo, we saw tarpon rolling by the pier. We headed on past Bonefish Towers all the way to Coco Plum Beach, but did not go ashore to search the wrack line for sea beans. Then we took our good ole time heading home. The noodle afterwards was the real cool down. The heat index yesterday was 105, the water is in the low 90s, but it still felt very refreshing. What a way to start the day.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

SEA BEANS, or Drift Seeds. I've been collecting them. This is a great thing for me to collect because they are hard to find, and so the collection grows very slowly.

They are, from top and clockwise, Sea Heart also called Sailor's Heart, Hamburger Beans, Sea Pearl (although I'm not sure about this one), Starnut Palm, and hog plum, in case you didn't guess,this one is not so special.
A seabean is a fruit or seed that has drifted in from another continent. The ones we get are from Central America or Africa. My favorites are the sea heart and the hamburger bean. Since this picture, I have found one more sea heart, and one more hamburger bean, but the season hasn't really started yet. When the strong winds blow in lots of seaweed from the south east, that's the best time to search the beach.

I took this picture of the sea heart pod at the orchid show in Redlands. It was part of a display of items that are illegal to bring into the country. The pods are about 4 feet long from the monkey ladder vine. It is supposed to be the longest bean pod in the world. They say that Columbus found a sea heart floating in the eastern Atlantic and this inspired him to search for land to the west. I think I know how he felt. Once you discover one sea bean, you just have to look for more.