Big Banana Harvest on 7th
Click here for sound (thanks to my computer -geek friend, Doris.)
Yesterday I got an email from Janie in my book club. She had seen my post about Bananas on 7th, and invited me to go over to her house and help myself to what she called "serious" bananas, since they are not there in the summer. So this morning, after the 8 AM rain shower...we are really into the rainy season now... Bill walked over and I rode my bike over and brought a knife. When we walked into her yard, we were so impressed by her beautiful tropical garden paradise, and the size of the bananas! Those are what I would call monster bananas. The story from Janie is that the bananas were in her neighbors yard and a year and a half ago when she and her husband put in an irrigation system, the bananas just marched over to her yard for the water. I can't believe they have grown so big. We cut down 7 bananas and I could barely carry them home on my bike. They make our bananas at the Cay look sick, they are about 4 times the size. If you would like to see my online album of the banana harvest click here. The flowers are absolutely beautiful. The thing about bananas is that you have to pick them when they are green or they will split open on the stalk. Then you need to let them get ripe for a week or two and then they all are ripe at once. So we have learned to only pick a few at a time. Next weekend we are going up to see my Mom in Zephyrhills, she will be thrilled if we bring her a few of those monster bananas. One banana will be enough for all three of us for breakfast.
I love your blog! Janie B sent it to us so we can catch up on KCB news...and it is wonderful! Nice bananas!...and reading it all makes us miss our home on 7th.
Thanks for your comment. Maybe we'll meet when you get back this winter.
We have great Jersey tomatoes and corn, but YES, We Have No Bananas! Please try this website!
Enjoy those bananas!
Hey, Bill, that is one healthy banana! You should be proud even though it's green!
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