Monday, October 20, 2008

Quick Work
Originally uploaded by sache47
I was totally amazed that the causeway has been paved and yellow-lined
in one week's time. Not only that, this is West Ocean, which has also
been completed. They worked day and night, sometimes until 10:00 or
!!:00 PM last week to complete it. Everytime I drove by, there was
our mayor, Ron Sutton, standing over them making sure that everything
was done correctly. It's such an improvement. Now it will be tough to
keep my speed down to 25 mph with all that nice smooth pavement to
ride on, but as they say, "What's your hurry? You're already here!"


JimR said...

Can Ron Sutton be a part of a mayor swap with us? We need someone to crack the whip on our road projects! Or better yet, only do one at a time!

That looks like a beautiful road!

Aimee said...

civil engineers... what would you do without us? ;-)