Yesterday we went out fishing with Joe and Lynn Lombardo on their new boat. We went straight out a couple of miles to 400-500 feet of water. On the way back the dolphin came up and we caught 'em! It was lots of fun. About that time the dark clouds came up too, and we had to head back in a hurry. While we were out, we saw an unusual rainbow that made a circle all the way around the sun. When I got home, I found out that it was a halo, caused by very high altitude ice crystals, and the colors are actually the reverse of a rainbow with red on the inner edge. We spotted ours at noon, a time when you often would not be looking up at the sun. It was beautiful out there, and nice and cool out on the water. When we got back we cooled off with a noodle in the ocean, and the Lombardos came over for a fish dinner. Lynn brought stuff, we made stuff, the only mistake was that we both brought dessert, but we suffered through it.