It's the hyoplastron bone from the lower shell of a sea turtle, probably a loggerhead, but that's just a guess. I'd have to find some more of the bones of this turtle to be sure of the species. By the size, it's probably not full grown, as this would only be about one quarter of the skeleton size, they have 4 bones like this on the bottom. You just wonder how this sea turtle died, and how old the bone really is. I don't think it's legal to collect sea turtle bones, and it smells terrible! I better put it back where I found it, so someone else can find and wonder about it's previous life.
Well I have a few guesses what might have happened to him, could it have been a tropical storm? Or a bad jet ski, or boat motor, or car and then the storm, or just a whale? I'm sure it was not a beach blogger! Thanks for the science lesson teach!!
Interesting! Marias disagrees! SHe can smell it from here and she says it smells great!
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