It's Coming Down...Finally The shops next door to The Quay are down already, that took about 10 minutes, but now they are taking down that landmark restaurant and I think it will take a little bit longer to dismantle. These buildings have been falling down ever since Hurricane Wilma, and they really needed to be demolished. I know a lot of you have some great memories of special dinners at this long-ago famous place. I think the bar out back was Banana Tiki Bar, or something like that. The city had to send in trucks to tear it down, but I am sure the Gus Boulis Family Estate will pay for it ultimately. Most of you know that Gus Boulis was also the one who owned Sun Cruz Casino, the Quays, The Greek Fisherman, and Perrys,and then was shot in the head at a stoplight in Ft. Lauderdale after selling Sun Cruz to Jack Abrahamoff and some other inverstors who weren't paying him The city would like to buy the land for a park, but the $5 million price tag for that little strip of land is way too high. I believe the city did get the boat ramp. Well, this photo did come with a small price tag. I was filling up at the Citgo on the corner because the gas was a low $3.03 a gallon and while thinking about taking this photo, I forgot to replace my gas cap, went back to look for it later, and can't find it, so now it is a trip to KMart for a new gas cap. The good news is that I took this photo from the turn around lane while no one was behind me, and I did not get rear ended. Unfortunately, my niece has gotten me into taking photos while driving, but I swear I am going to give it up from now on, too dangerous!