Sunday, November 04, 2007

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

We can't believe it! The best two dancers on Dancing With the Stars, our Cheetah Girl, Sabrina and her partner Mark were voted off of the show last night. Now that was just WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! How could it be that Marie Osmund and Jayne Seymour got more votes? There couldn't possibly be that many Baby Boomers who would have figured out how to text in their votes. Marie was just terrible and Jayne wasn't much better. This was our favorite show to watch every Monday and Tuesday, and now we are talking about a total boycott of the show next week. After all, this is supposed to be a dance competition, and not just a popularity contest. What? There was a presidential debate the same night? If I had it to do over again...
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Friday, October 19, 2007

SNOWBIRDS! YES! They are flocking to The Cay again! We hear even more are due in next week if the tail winds are just right. We can't help notice that the oldest and the wisest seem to get back here first. Yes it's still hot, but the threat of hurricanes seems like a thing of the past at this stage in the season. The ocean is still nice and warm, and so is the pool. So don't dawdle! Shake a tail feather and get on down here! There's plenty of room left on the beach for everyone.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I spent a pleasant afternoon in Melissa Blanco's brand new "Salon Blanco" in downtown Marathon. Many of you know Melissa, Angelina and Robbin from Island Girl Salon, and now Melissa has her own salon. It is a gorgeous interior, very upscale inside and out with beautiful furnishings and lots of class. It is hard to believe that Melissa and her Dad did all of the work on the interior which had to be just about gutted, but it definitely looks like she has put her own ideas and decorating talents into creating a truly relaxing atmosphere for her clients. Very modern free standing stations allow for lots of area left for moving around. She has really thought of all of the details that make life easier for the customer. For instance, the wash bowls themselves go up and down so your chair doesn't need to be adjusted.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hurray! The last of the bikers have left the Keys after the Poker Run of last weekend. It was music to our ears when we finally heard the last roar of the thousands of bikes that crowded A1A and just about every restaurant from Key Largo to Key West for the weekend and beyond. Unfortunately, but not surprising to anyone, really, we had a fatal accident in front of the hospital on Friday afternoon. A 70 year old rider with his 34 year old wife were hit when someone made a left hand turn at the wrong time. Now at my age, I am not about to tell anyone that 70 years old is too old to ride a motorcycle, however we did see lots of wise riders trailering their bikes down to Key West to enjoy the events without having to drive in the crazy traffic conditions on the way down the Keys that we witnessed over the weekend. Restaurants, hotels, and of course bars did a great business for the past 5 days, but I'm sure even they were glad when the last motorcycle headed north on the 18 Mile stretch. Now bring on the snowbirds! It's time, and the weather is great. It's 72 degrees out there; we opened up the doorwall! Now that's a fall event we have been waiting for.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

This may have been the last pizza served at L'Attitudes Restaurant, and we had it! The Cay Club closed down three restaurants last Thursday, L'Attitudes, or the old Pizza and Pasta, Cabots, and Tropical Cafe up in Tavernier. BUT The Butterfly is still open. The Cay Club seems to be in deep financial trouble. Pridham Singh has taken over the management of Tranquility Bay, Indigo Reef and The Boat House. They say they plan to reopen the restaurants in December. I feel bad for all the employees that came down here to work, and now don't have a job. Poor Peggy, she was our favorite waitress. I'm sure she will get a job elsewhere. In the meantime, we are looking for a new pizza spot. Friday night and pizza are like The Easter Bunny and Tom Storey, it's tradition!
Friday, August 31, 2007

The Key Colony Beach Public Works Building is coming right along. This is on 8th street by the golf course right by the sewer treatment plant. Now it looks pretty large just to hold the work vehicles. There are a few residents who have speculated that maybe it will become our veryown fire station some day. Key Colony was not very happy with the amount of money that Marathon Fire Department was charging us for Fire Protection this past year. Who knows? A brand new Key Colony Beach fire truck would look nice in the St. Patrick's Day parade.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Breakfast out, Keys style. My teacher friends, Arlene and Riet and I meet here often to start the morning out with breakfast on the water. Keys Fisheries has everything you would want from a breakfast sandwich, to the lobster omlet. If you fall in love with the lobster omlet, you can come back at lunch for the lobster rueben. Prices are reasonable however you do have to put your order in at the window, give a favorite movie or song title, and wait for them to call you back to pick up your order. Coffee is serve yourself. Also, they have a new upstairs bar, called "The Upper Deck" for happy hour, but we haven't tried this yet. As you all know, it is down the street from the Stuffed Pig, right next to the elementary school. How handy is that for us part-time testers? Great friends, great fun, and you can check out who's going out fishing for the day, oh..."'Love Me Tender' is up", time to go get my order.
Friday, August 03, 2007

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The rush is on! Lobster Mini season starts tomorrow, and there are tons of people down here. The ocean is full of boats. There are pickup trucks and boat trailers everywhere. The Marathon Lady has been doing lots of fishing trips daily. The signs are up, no lobstering in the canals or water around Key Colony, but the boats have been going out daily looking for just the spot where all the lobsters will be when the season starts. Now, if only the lobsters will cooperate for them and stay in exactly that spot when they start the hunt, they will be all set. Here at The Cay, it is very quiet as usual. We have only our usual summer residents, and even Marie is in France for a few weeks. The only noise here is from Oscar doing his spalling work, and he is working at a fast clip. He finished our parking lot side of building 4 this past week, and is now rounding the corner of Snavely's. From my uneducated view, he is doing an excellent job AND he has been very neat, cleaning up as he goes. What a guy! While is is quiet here, not so at Sunset Beach next door. They do a lot of short term rentals, and have lots of families fishing off the peer, swimming in the pool, etc. It's nice to see so many groups having such a good time this time of year.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007

You bet they are...on The Best Bet. Check out these dolphin that Dave and Doris got last Wednesday. They had a great time and brought back plenty of fish to share with their friends and family. They worked hard to haul in this catch, sore muscles, a few cuts and bruises, but it was all worth the effort! They'll be serving lots of dolphin meals in New Jersey this summer. Mmm-mmm, start up the barbie and cook up some fresh Jersey corn to go with it.