One day the ocean just beckons you to come on in and enjoy the calm.
The next day things can turn pretty ugly in almost no time.
It's Labor Day. In Michigan that would mean a family picnic, or a
trip up "North" for the weekend, then maybe a union meeting to find
out if there would be a teachers' raise, or a strike. The kids would
have all their supplies for school; there might be tomatoes to can,
and definitely fresh corn for dinner. Everyone mentally prepares
themselves for the fact that the season will be changing very soon.
Down here we don't have the change of seasons. On or around Labor Day
we join the "Four H Club here", that's high winds, heavy rain, heat
and humidity, but so far, no hurricanes! Gustav has been gentle here,
we have nothing to complain about. We had some rain, the wind blew
the seaweed from Fay back onto our beach, but it also brought a lot of
sand back to our beach. There's some cleanup to do. It's really a
mess next door at Oceanfront Condos where the wind blew lots of weeds
up onto their dock and into their pool, major clean up there, minor
cleanup here. After Fay, the city made the decision not to haul away
seaweed, don't ask me why, they recieved $95,000. for disaster
recovery. What they spent it on I don't know, but now as you can see,
we have all that seaweed still with us. But I know we definitely have
nothing to complain about, it could be so much worse. It's just one
minor delay in getting on with life in paradise.