Farewell Party
Yes, it's that time of year when the last of our friends head North, or East, or West, and it's also time for them to clean out the fridge and share some of the best recipes with friends on the deck. These are the kind of people who can take off their sandals in a second to head to the sand for a photo op by the water. These are the people who show up in whatever they are wearing, be it bathing suit, holey shorts, or bathrobe, to spend time together. We are sad because some of them are leaving, but there will still be a few hearty souls here through the month of May, and maybe beyond. Good bye to Carl and Dana, Carlo and Sharon, Dee and Verne, Sophia and Bill (yes, they made it in one piece to Columbus once again). Hello to summer, absolutely no goosebumps when you enter the ocean, more dolphins and manatees to swim with, and still some parties on the deck...they may be smaller, but they will be just as lively, and guaranteed there will be more fish to fry. Save that jug of Carlo Rossi, Warren. We will get to it sooner or later.