Thursday, October 20, 2011

Beach Time

Beach Time by sache47
Beach Time, a photo by sache47 on Flickr.

A little sunshine and everyone shows up to get their feet wet.

Storm Clean Up

Storm Clean Up by sache47
Storm Clean Up, a photo by sache47 on Flickr.

John and helper from Ocean Front pick up the pieces from their dock.

Monday, October 03, 2011

Lee Greenly

Lee Greenly by sache47
Lee Greenly, a photo by sache47 on Flickr.

Here is how he stayed so young into his 90s. A gentleman and a picture of health. We will miss him.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

They're Here!

They're Here! by sache47
They're Here!, a photo by sache47 on Flickr.

...and we are just starting to figure out how to get 'em.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Irene by sache47
Irene, a photo by sache47 on Flickr.

She's off to our northeast and just brought us a slight breeze. Perfect day for the beach. Hope we can find a chair. Just kidding, it's just the seagulls and us.

The Mystery Chair

The Mystery Chair by sache47
The Mystery Chair, a photo by sache47 on Flickr.

Sure it doesn't fit in, but looks pretty comfy for an afternoon on the beach, or a cocktail at 5.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Last Launch

Last Launch by sache47
Last Launch, a photo by sache47 on Flickr.

What a great opportunity to see the last shuttle launch from the beach at Melbourne. I didn't get a great shot from my iPhone, but we saw it, heard it, and felt it as it broke through the clouds.

Monday, July 04, 2011

This green turtle was spotted nesting on Smather's Beach in Key West this weekend. This is only the second time a green turtle nest has been found in a residential island of The Keys. They usually nest in the Marquesas or offshore uninhabited islands. Green turtles are endangered, and very it's very rare to even see one out in the ocean. Richie Moretti, our turtle expert from the Turtle Hospital in Marathon, says she most probably hatched on this beach 25 years ago. They come back to the same beach to lay their eggs. After she crawled back to the ocean they put up a fence around the nest and hopefully in about 55 days there will be lots of baby green turtles hatching from their eggs and marching to the ocean.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

It's Jet Pack Adventures in Key West!
Strap the jet pack to your back, get a little instruction and you blast off to a great view. Bill says he definitely will not participate, his noodle is all the adventuring he wants to do. Maybe Jack will try it out when he comes down for the 4th, and I know Tom Storey would have lined up for a chance to try it out. $249 for an hour of instruction and a half hour of lift offs. And, the owner plans to offer rides in Marathon next month.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How sad to hear that Clarence Clemons is in the hospital after suffering a stroke in his Florida home over the weekend. Not so important to us is that he performed with Lady Gaga on American Idol recently. More important to us is how much fun we had at the Brass Monkey celebration bash where this photo was taken. When Winn-Dixie made plans to pull the lease on the Brass Monkey, the community showed up, including Clarence who spends lots of his leisure time in Marathon, to protest. The Winn-Dixie reversed its decision and the Monkey threw a party and invited the community to celebrate. Unsure of how we might fit into the bash, we tentatively went with Dave and Doris. What a great time we had. Real people having a real good time. Everyone, including Clarence, treated us like locals. And I was this close to a great sax player, Clarence Clemons.

Monday, June 06, 2011

It was great having my sisters here for the past four days. We enjoyed playing Scrabble on the beach every day, noodling in the ocean, and going to the Eco-Discovery Center and West Martello Gardens in Key West. It was so sad to see them leave this morning. Sisters are the greatest.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

No, this isn't Doris, but I had to share this catch that was in the Keynoter today. This dolphin was 69.8 pounds, and the state record is 81 pounds, the world record, 85 pounds caught in Costa Rica. It took this lady from Naples 45 minutes to bring it in on 20 pound test. She caught it while on Superfish Charters out of Marathon. I bet she used a fighting belt, Doris.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Shopping at Winn-Dixie with Marie, and you just never know who you will run into in the parking lot. Marie fell in love with Sugar, a beautiful cockatiel on her way in to shop with her owner from Coconut Cove Resort up in Islamorada. Sugar showed off a bit for us, and couldn't have been friendlier. The owner offered to take Marie's bird for a week and train it to be just as friendly as Sugar. Marie is thinking about it because she says her bird could use some help in the cordiality department (to say the least).

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Our very own Doris Chinchar did quite well in the Mother's Day Dolphin Tournament with Jason Long of the Best Bet. She brought in this 23.8 pound dolphin by herself and without a fighting belt, using a faulty reel, and having to struggle with a tip-wrapped line. The bottom line is that she landed it along with lots more dolphin for a great day of fishing. One thing I like about Doris and Dave is that they share their catch and we had a wonderful Mother's Day dinner with them at Sparky's tonight. The fish was prepared perfectly and it was a beautiful evening for our last night together with great friends. We sure will miss you both, but we know there are still lots of dolphin out there for you to catch next year.

Friday, May 06, 2011

There's a whale rescue going on off Cudjoe Key this morning. 16 pilot whales were reported stranded at low tide around 7:00 last night. Vet. Doug Mader of Marathon, and lots of volunteers went out to help rescue, but most of the whales will probably not survive. They quickly set up a holding pen in deeper water to tend to the few that will make it and probably will be out there all day today, at least. They took a wrong turn? got mixed up about the tides? Who knows, but the last time there was a pilot whale stranding down here, it was very close to the same spot, back in 2003 when 27 whales were stranded.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

GREMLINS have been organizing the Ocean Room and ran across these photos in The Cay Scrapbook.
Can anyone help to identify these fun-loving people from the Easter Parade in 19??? Boy, they really knew how to have a good time back in the '80s. Are any of these people still alive? I love the guy with the garbage can over his head and a bloody mary close by. Wasn't this a morning event? If you can identify anyone, send me an email or post a comment. History should be recorded, and anyway, we are just curious.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

My friend Brende brought over this beautiful arrangement last week. I like how the purple dendrobium looks so nice with the wide variety of Keys greenery. She has stag horn fern, elk horn fern, fishtail fern, and ric-rac in the front. I love the ric-rac, and was thinking about how popular it was, fashion-wise, to add it as trim to so many clothing items back in the 60s. Everything came from her garden, and it looks like it is going to stay beautiful for several more days.

Friday, April 29, 2011

These beautiful seed pods on the mahogany tree have opened up, but they are too high for me to reach! By the time they fall to the ground, all that's left is the hard shell. The tree is in the parking lot by the police station, and it may attract attention if I carried a ladder across the street. It must be nature's way of preserving the species. No seed pods for me this year.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The landscape project at the post office is finished. They planted fox-tail palms. Some people thought they should have planted native palms, but these do look very pretty. It is normal that a few of the lower fronds die during transplanting. I asked why they don't trim the dead branches off and was told that it is better to leave them on because some of the energy goes back into the tree in this type of palm. They are like daffodils, you don't cut off the flower after it dies because it sends energy back to the bulb for the following year.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Cindy celebrated her 60th tonight with chocolate cake and raspberry martinis. Her and her girl friends go back to Vermont tomorrow to who knows what kind of weather. Whatever...they will make the best of it, and Cindy and Bill will be back in October for Fantasy Fest and the toga party. Look out!

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Landscaping the KCB Post Office
It's not an easy task, digging 4 holes to plant 4 palm trees down here in The Keys. They have been working on this for at least a month. A shade tarp to work in the hot sun of the day, a back hoe and loader yesterday to dig in the coral rock and haul away bits and pieces and sand. The trees are standing by ready to be placed, and an irrigation system in also ready to go, so it shouldn't be too long before I am posting the "after" shot.
Some find it curious that all this work is being done while at the same time the US Post Office has pretty much guaranteed that our post office will be closing sometime in the near future. But the city owns the building, and the planning, work, and trees have been provided by some very industrious snow birds and full time residents who have a desire to make our city offices and post office area a more beautiful place to walk in to every day.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Yes, our vanda really is 7 feet tall and doesn't fit into our condo. She's a beauty, and in full bloom with another spike coming out on left side near the top. As long as the iguanas don't spot it, we hope to enjoy the bloom for a few more weeks at least.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bill caught this beautiful 30 pound black grouper yesterday on the Lobster Boat while fishing with Jack, Dennis, and Pat. That's Kevin, the mate, helping to hoist the thing up for a photo. This grouper was then released because there is currently a ban on grouper catches until May 1. We had snapper for dinner and pretended it was grouper. Maybe when he hooks into this fish again in May, it will be up to 35 pounds.
This spotted eagle ray jumped into Two Chick's Charters in Islamorada while a family of 5 was fishing. It knocked the mother down and she was slimy, but unhurt. Even the eagle ray was released and fine. No wonder the captain here looks a little confused. The photo is taken from the front page of the Keysnet news.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

It was a beautiful day for a sail on the Wind Charm with Bo and Brindy. We cruised along the gulf side, had a gourmet lunch, and enjoyed a perfect afternoon with good friends.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Some orchids are pink
Some orchids are blue
If you saw our Vanda
You'd fall in love too

Our big Desire is in bloom and hanging right by our front door in the signature tree. Stop by and take a look, and get a picture. It is a sight to behold.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

We got together at Banana Bay to have a little belated birthday for Mrs. Gradick who turned 93 back in January. We had planned to celebrate right after her birthday, but she had an unexpected trip to the hospital and rehab after falling and breaking her hip while going for a second piece of birthday cake on her birthday. It wasn't much of a problem for her, though, she was up and at 'em again in a little over a month, and ready for a night out with some of her old teacher friends. Mrs. Gradick was principal of Marathon High for many years before retiring. She knows just about everyone in town, and can she tell the stories about what they were like when they were in High School! We had a great time together, and can't wait to be there for her 94th. She didn't let a broken hip get her down, and is an inspiration to us all.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

While they were gathered for the Super Moon event, the following comments were heard:
"Which way do we look, east or west?"
"Did the table cloth lady at the flea market have any jackets today?"
"Is anyone going upstairs for a wine refill?"
"Anyone want to go to sunset park for a better view?"
"There it is!"
"Up in the sky over Sunset Beach Condos."
"It's humungous!"
"When you are standing on the sea wall, one foot higher, the moon looks even bigger."
"Let's see if it's even bigger from the upper deck!"
It was great meeting at night on the beach for a beautiful view of the moon and some laughter with our friends, and guess what? I think it will be there again tonight for all of us to enjoy once more.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Funding for the ferry runs out in 2012. At present, this is the only access to Pigeon Key since the old Seven Mile Bridge has been closed down due to much needed repairs.
It would be a shame to watch the bridge continue to wear away, and to have no means of public access to this historic site. You can sign the petition to "Save Old Seven" by going to the link at the right side of this blog.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

After 14 months of babying, our Desiree is finally ready to bloom! Yes, we are very excited. Now the question is, what color will the flowers be? With a name like Ascocenda Tubtim Velvet, who knows??? No wonder we just call her Desiree. If you want to take a peek, just walk in the orchid house and look up, you can't miss her huge buds.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

There were so many winners from our condo at the Sombrero 5 K run/walk today that they are thinking of having "Team Cay" next year. The only one I saw with a bright gold trophy was our own Nancy Thorell who took first place in her age category. There was a very brisk wind, but she didn't let that slow her down. Heck, after the race, she got home, fixed breakfast for her husband, and then came on down to the beach and just about has Marilyn Richmond signed up to get on her team next year! Way to go, Nancy. We are all very proud of you, and you would make a great team captain.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

What the??? Oh! Tamarind Juice!
Yes, they look totally disgusting while soaking, but trust me, they make the very best tasting juice. Here's my recipe: Soak 10 tamarinds over night. Strain, add some honey, juice from one key lime and a little chopped fresh ginger, then serve over ice. Delicioso! Thanks Stolz family for the leftover tamarinds, and now, my jug is almost empty and I'm looking for a tamarind tree. There must be one around here some where.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

It's time for the wind to shift and for these guys to move on off of our beach.

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Rest of the Story
The grounded 50 foot sailboat is still out there and doesn't look quite as majestic with the sails down and when you hear the rest of the story.
This is the second time in 48 hours that they have had to call Towboat US. They ran aground also on Saturday. Someone may need some sailing lessons or a new captain. Today at 5:00 PM they are going to try to get it off the sandbar again, and you can bet there will be a nice crowd on our deck just cheering them on.
Note to self: Walk down to the beach with your cup of coffee before you read the Miami Herald and you will be treated to a magnificent sunrise. Nature vs News, there is no competition for the best way to start a day.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

This beautiful sailboat ran aground on the sand bar out front this evening. A few boats came to try to get it off, but even the tow boat couldn't budge it. We watched until dark, and now, 8:30 at night, and it's still out there all by itself with it's lights on. High tide isn't until 6:26 AM. Hope they can drift off, otherwise I may have to bring them breakfast.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Zabelle's Party on the Deck

Zabelle's Party on the Deck
Originally uploaded by sache47
What a great opportunity for everyone to meet her son, Bill. It was a perfect evening, sunset and moonrise within a matter of minutes.
Thanks, Zabelle, for a lovely time with great friends.