Tuesday, May 26, 2009

We headed out this morning on a typical Keys summer day, hot and very little wind. We had hoped to go for dolphin but the wind wasn't just right so we went off for yellowtail instead. We went for the deep, big yellowtail this time in about 100 feet of water. It was tough to feel the fish biting when the line was out so far, but we pulled in quite a few and Bill caught the largest yellowtail he has ever caught, the one in the picture, probably about 3 pounds. On the way back we trolled for dolphin and Roger brought in this very nice one. Summer's here, the air- conditioning sure felt good when we got home!

Monday, May 25, 2009

The mini-tornado we had last week blew in some interesting finds at the beach. Jan Sables found not one, but two beautiful conchs in the ocean. We took this one out for a photo, and then Roger put them back where they will hopefully find their way back out to deeper water. It's nice to know that the conch population is alive and well on Key Colony Beach. The fishing team of Sables/Cherry goes out on the Lobster Boat tomorrow for our traditional May fishing trip. Wish us luck, we hope to get into some dolphin.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

We woke up early Tuesday morning to the sound of wind and rain whistling through the courtyard, and at daylight it became evident that that was not all that was flying through the air. Something blew by, selected certain chairs and garbage cans off the beach, and rearranged them in the courtyard. Was it a waterspout turned tornado? We don't know. There was no mention of it happening anywhere else in the area. The deck was left just exactly as it was the day before and nothing was moved on the porches, but if you were on the beach and in it's path...look out!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Turns out that Sister Mary Beth Lloyd didn't finish her 100 mile run from Key Largo to Key West. She made it about 40 miles to Long Key sometime Saturday night and then threw in the towel, or the habit, as the case may be. She said she had stomach problems. The pace leader for her said that her 85 year old father was part of her support crew and this also threw her off emotionally because he kept pleading with her to stop running. About two thirds of the rest of the runners did finish the race although it was very hot and humid. We met a young man who did the half race from Marathon to Key West and came in second. He and his family were staying on Key Colony the night before and after the race. His father said he was totally exhausted just going along as a supporter! One person in Sister Mary Beth's group did finish the race, and she was pleased with the publicity that her cause, Orphans of AIDS, recieved because of the event.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

"Nun on the Run"
Today is the start of the KEYS100 race, a race from Key Largo to Key West, exactly 100 miles, with a 32 hour time limit. There are 65 runners signed up to do the entire distance, and one of them is Sister Mary Elizabeth Lloyd who will run in her black habit to raise awareness for AIDS orphans. She's almost 60 years old! I don't know if she will finish, but you gotta give her credit for trying. And while I'm on the subject of runners, our own daughter-in-law, Lori and her wonderful husband, our son, Gabe, will be visiting this coming week. Lori is in training for the Chicago Marathon, and will probably get some practice in the Florida heat before she goes back to run in the streets of Chicago in August. The only advice I have is drink plenty of water, race fans, and go for a nice cool down in the pool or the ocean when you are done. I'll keep you posted on how the Running Nun does.